home sweet home

It certainly felt like home sweet home after a three hour plane delay. But it didn't spoil anything. Sylvia was great and we passed the time playing snap with her clown cards.
The second half of the week was spent largely on the beach, where we dug "baths" of water near the edge of the sea. I had to sit next to them while sylvia took a long run up and jumped in them, giving me a big splash. You can see some video of Sylvia hopping in and out of waves here.
We went to the Poble Espanyol and the Sagrada Familia, though Sylvia wasn't mad about either. We had a very nice dinner at the Salamanca restaurant, where the waiters made a huge fuss of sylvia and gave here a huge handful of sweets. They also gave Ciara a bright yellow digestif.
You can see some more pictures from Barcelona here.
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