What Sylvia did

Sylvia lives in Clapham, London, UK, and was born in June 2002. This blog is written by her dad, Damian.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Squelchy mud

The weather in London is still weirdly warm and sunny for mid-October but we still thought we'd go for a walk in the woods today. We got the wellies on as Sylvia loves squelching through the mud - and there was some great mire to splodge into (see the video.

Sylvia also likes pretending to be a statue (see photo). I then pretend to buy the statue, pick it up and take in home. Once I've put it down in my "garden", I admire it for a bit, only for it to come to life and run off. Then, repeat until Daddy's patience wears thin.

We had lunch in the common, with mint choc chip ice cream for Sylvia and made Mr Men fairy cakes. A lovely day!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Long time, no posts

Well it's been an age - sorry about that. Once we all got back from our holidays it was head down into nursery, ballet classes and work.

Sylvia's been having a great time. She's making masks at nursery for a carnival on Friday, which is part of Black History Week. She's also been back at ballet with the brilliant Miss Kate. And there's been a few sugar-fuelled birthday parties.

Today was a bit more troublesome as she had her jabs - one in the arm and one in the leg. But the nurse said she was the "bravest little girl ever" (she doesn't say that to all the kids of course!).

This video is Sylvia's version of Irish dancing, learned purely from a single viewing of Riverdance.

Hopefully, not so long till the next time!