Birthday girl

Quick post about the birthday weekend. The actual party is next week, so jelly overdoses and tantrums to come.
On Saturday, her birthday, Johnny and Claire come round with Jake and Lara, to have lunch, watch England squeak past Paraguay, then go to the park and back to eat birthday cake (Disney princess cake of course).
S, Ciara and me then went back onto the common later to feed the geese and eat ice cream. A very very hot day.
S liked her little tent, and electronic writing toy thing and a funny face book that she got from us. There's also a completely amazing Cinderella pop-up book and a furry dragon we are saving till next week.
She got loads of lovely things from nanna, nonna and her aunties, which we opened on Sunday (many thanks to you all). She wore one of the new dresses straight out of the wrapper to my god-daughter's first communion today. We went to Beatrice's uncle's house after for scones and strawberries and ice cream. Sylvia had fun and I got a little fatter. I'd cycle it off going to work this week if it were not for falling off (again) on thursday. Only bumps and bruises.
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