Party party

So the party went off very well in the end, with no injuries or tantrums (except mine). The kids (all 12, count 'em . . .) behaved like little angels. As long as I sounded excited, they got excited too, and enjoyed that, even if they didn't quite know what they were getting excited about.
Anyway, we played ducky ducky, pass the parcel, musical statues, guess the secret treasure in the bag, mummies (wrap up kids with loo roll) in the garden. Then they got their picnic boxes, full of sausage rolls, mini croissants, tomatoes, fruit and popcorn (top idea of Ciara's as we could make them all up the day before). They were pretty high by this time thanks to the luminous sweets I was dishing out as "prizes", or bribes for doing as they were told.
Sylvia needed a quick change of costume after someone poured juice down her back, but then it was her party, so why not show off the wardrobe.
We then skipped to the park for some running around, including a water relay and me chasing them from one "island" (rug) across the sea to another.
Then back home for ice cream cones and the Winnie the Pooh cake (carefully handcrafted by Marks and Spencers).
Even after everyone had gone, Sylvia was still buzzing. "But what can we do now." So we had a water pistol shootout and played balloon volleyball. But blimey it was hard work and I fell asleep during the Italy vs USA world cup mayhem.
I managed to take no pics during the party so those attached are from after.
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