What Sylvia did

Sylvia lives in Clapham, London, UK, and was born in June 2002. This blog is written by her dad, Damian.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Sorry for the lack of posts - busy time at work. Anyway, time to catch up a little now.
Sylvia is off to see Aunty Teresa and Nonna in Scotland tomorrow, which she is quite excited about. She's had a busy week with nursery, ballet and playing with her new bike (pic to come).

She had a bit of a moment yesterday, when she refused to go to nursery, saying she wanted "to stay at home and watch TV all day". With the World Cup on, I can sympathise with that. All is well again now though. But she has worked out that if she shows enthusiasm for watching a match with me, then she gets to stay up late.

One other funny thing, I got a poster with the newspaper of seashells - she pointed to the periwinkle and said it's a "pinnywinkle", which is an even better name I think.


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